Robert Mitchum in a scene from the ABC mini-series "WAR AND REMEMBRANCE."
I captured this moment in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, while on assignment for ABC Television. The production was filming a Russian winter scene and a historic British fort from the 1700s was the backdrop. During the height of a Quebec winter, from which we had just escaped. the windchill had plunged the temperature to a frigid -65°F, so we escaped to the warmer confines of the lunchroom.
Robert Mitchum was renowned for his storytelling prowess and was always eager to entertain both cast and crew with tales from his Hollywood adventures. One memorable instance, shown here, was during lunch when Mitchum held court and entertained the background extras with one of his many fascinating stories.
Despite his status as a major movie star, Mitchum had no qualms about grabbing his lunch and mingling with the crew or, in this case, the background players.
Mitchum's down-to-earth demeanour and genuine lack of pretense revealed that this legendary actor was neither ostentatious nor entitled. Making him something of a rarity in Hollywood.