This image features Rebecca Gayheart and Loretta Devine in Urban Legend. Capturing this moment was an example of on-set diplomacy. Rebecca portrays a psychopathic killer, while Loretta plays a security guard at the university where Rebecca's sinister actions unfold. I felt it was important to take a photo of them together to symbolize the battle between good and evil.
We had just wrapped up shooting a pivotal scene in which Loretta catches Rebecca in the act of attempting murder and stops her. Since this was the climax of the film, the director and producer preferred that I not do my set-up as my shots would reveal the ending. However, I felt this particular shot had significant PR potential so I hummed and hawed to buy myself time knowing that the objections would give way to items of greater importance.
Sure enough, amid the hustle and bustle of the crew preparing for the next scene in another room, I seized the opportunity to quickly capture my moment, knowing that the director and producer would be preoccupied with the upcoming scene.
To honour the director and producer's wishes I withheld submitting this image to Columbia Pictures but rather kept it for my portfolio. Understanding when and how to choose your battles is often what separates success from failure for a unit photographer.